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8:00 am: Arrive in office. Open up the building for the day.  Very few people around but all are beginning to filter into the office. Grab some coffee and prepare for our morning meeting (Jolt).  Review billing from accounting, a quick look at emails from over night, check phone messages and then head into for morning Jolt.  Following Jolt, I handle a few HR and operations issues that have arisen and then proceed to my desk for the first round of client and internal emails I know await me.
9:30 am:  Finalize packaging estimates for a client and review proposals with our creative director before client presentation.  Then I begin the tedious work of reviewing projected budgeting sheets for some of my retail clients.  This results in standup meetings with our media department to make the final tweaks to the budgeting forms before client presentation tomorrow.
10:30 am: Begin gathering elements for an upcoming retail circular.  Downloading hi-res images for the designer from several manufacturing sites.  Sit with the designer to discuss client goals with the upcoming sales flyer and provide direction on flow of creative.
Noon: Back to the desk for a quick bite to eat.  Check voicemail and email again and respond as needed, then onto the next week’s ROP ads.  I enter reports in our trafficking system (CurrentTrack) which provide content direction for upcoming ads and then discuss these reports with the designer. It never hurts to have some face time with my team!
1:00 pm: Time for follow-up phone calls on projects with several clients.  I have to make sure that each client feels important each and every day!  Yay, the follow-up calls resulted in approval on 2 new projects.  Time for me to prepare a contact report so the projects will get opened in our system and the first steps can get under way.
2:00 pm: Internal meetings for HR team, client billing projections and a kickoff with the internal team for the 2010 planning for another one of my clients.  Whew!
4:00 pm: Time for more coffee and my second wind.  Both retail clients call with a request to change something in the ROP ads for tomorrow and the next day, Accounting department shows up with yet more billing for review and approval and one of my account coordinators needs help with a project.  Wow, sometimes when it rains it pours (that always seems to happen at 4?!).
5:30 pm: Finally, got the crises handled.  ROP ads are revised and out to the pubs, billing is complete, co-worker issue is handled and now I am headed to daycare to pick up kiddos.  Then its off to field hockey practice, some special shop for some specific new “it thing” both my girls simply must have, and finally, dinner!  Whew, what a day.  Let’s do it again tomorrow, OK?

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Ed Sharp

Ed brings 15 years of traditional and digital media sales experience to the agency, giving us a perspective most agencies don’t have. When he’s not working or seeking new knowledge, Ed hangs out with his wife, two kids, two dogs, one cat, and a hamster. And yes, the cat and hamster are best friends.

Chaney Given

Chaney is a talented and accomplished designer and illustrator, who has expanded his skill set to include motion graphics and video editing. With nearly a decade of experience, his client work includes Waterstep, Baptist Health, the Archdiocese of Louisville Catholic Schools, First Harrison Bank, and many more