The Geek Suite is looking to expand and you could help me do that. To keep it short and sweet:
You must read:
How Not To Get Hired By The Bouv
Please say something funny…please
You must know these:
Photoshop (for slicing/dicing/etc)
Would be nice if you know these:
WordPress (installation/theming/etc)
WordPress plugin development
Facebook programming experience (tabs, apps, etc)
PhoneGap / jquery mobile experience
Mobile website development
Before you even come in for an interview, we’ll go through several stages online. A few aptitude tests, a chat interview, some personality questions. If you make it through the online stuff, we’ll move on to a one-on-one interview, then a couple others after that with various dudes and dudettes.
Finally, the Geek Suite is looking for Web Developers, not Web Designers. You will not be designing web pages, and, no, I will not forward your graphic design portfolio to our Creative department.
2024 Predictions
Thanks to everyone who responded to our 2024 Predictions survey last month. While the sample size wasn’t quite the size of a Pew or Nielsen,