While getting ready for work one morning, I caught a segment on the Early Show about hackers who target cell phones. The reporter demonstrated how easy it was to get into our voicemail messages and retrieve personal data that may be stored in our phones. The reporter stressed how important it is to set up passwords or codes so it’s harder for someone to hack into our personal data.
So, I have to wonder, “What’s the point?” Is it to steal my identification? Are they checking out my appointments to find out when or if I will be home so they can rob my house? Perhaps it’s to show us how vulnerable we can be?
I’m a trusting person but I’m not sure I trust anyone anymore when it comes to the information that I keep on my computer or in my phone. What a shame.
Meaningful Change – One Click at a Time
January is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. For some of us, that might mean joining a gym to get in shape. Due