As I continue to think about the place I would like to create for all of us to come to work each day-it occurred to me that having a dog around would add yet another bit of character to our already “colorful” environment. I read that having pets around help keep blood pressure low and productivity high.
And in our line of work, anything healthy that can lower stress and make us laugh from time to time — and doesn’t involve alcohol or illegal drugs — is worth a try. So, MONA (who was an anniversary gift in November) started working at CurrentMarketing at 7 weeks old. And she was a hit from the moment she joined our team.
MONA is a GoldenDoodle, one of those “designer” dogs with a Standard Poodle as her father and a Golden Retriever as her mum. Her paws are ginormous and so we’re guessing she will get to 60-70lbs. She doesn’t shed much at all-just some light fuzz.
And the fact that she is hypo-allergenic makes her an even more attractive office mate. Here is another article talking about how pets in the office are coming back in vogue.
MONA, which stands for Mistress Of Naughty Activity or Master Of Non-stop Action (we should have a contest) is the “welcome waggin’ tail” to everyone at work each morning, even making friends with many of the tenants in Bakery Square — where our offices are located. And of course she loves our mailman Steve.
Most of our clients and vendors enjoy MONA and some even seek her out (napping in my office) to say hello and see how much she has grown. Only a few have marveled at our audacity and I guess they aren’t “animal people” or — they prefer cats. I pick right up on their negative energy and steer her back toward the creative department where she gets tons of attention and toy time. Luckily, I have many partners in caring for her as she sometimes has accidents when I am away from the office.
I think MONA lightens the load each of us push through each day and I feel blessed to have the option to bring her into our office space. It will be great when she stops chewing on everything she can fish out of a trash can or steal from a purse. I recently took her to visit one of our clients and she walked into the COO’s office and took her purse!!! Granted it looked just like a small Terrier so she thought it was another play toy!
We’ve talked about adding a “MONA CAM” and streaming her view of agency life. She will have a MySpace page soon and her bio is on our website.
Stay tuned for more on MONA and her office shenanigans!
Meaningful Change – One Click at a Time
January is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. For some of us, that might mean joining a gym to get in shape. Due