We all know the alerts of social media use our eyes and ears, but soon you could add your nose to that list! A British research team is introducing “Olly,” a small white device that will puff your favorite scent in line with tweets, comments, and pings!
Although I wasn’t around for the unsuccessful “Smell – o – vision” era, the idea of Olly seems like it could be really awesome, or really stinky! The good news is you choose the smell! Just fill the box with whatever scent you like. Want your media to smell like donuts? Done! Once filled, the Olly screens the specific actions on the internet, then releases the aroma!
Some even suggest you buy an Olly for each wave of social media, one for Twitter, Facebook, email, and the list goes on! As many alerts as avid internet junkies get these days, this could mean one smelly office!
Meaningful Change – One Click at a Time
January is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. For some of us, that might mean joining a gym to get in shape. Due