Do you have FUN in your workplace? If not you need some.
Fun is everywhere at Current. Playing together is key at Current. We do adventures together like white water rafting, competing at volleyball or racing around an obstacle course every year at the Run for The Rose. Lisa Koier, our COO, AKA “Culture Queen,” always endorses fun and excitement around the office.
Here are a few tips to add some FUN in your workplace:
1) Nicknames. Everyone MUST have a nickname. It is much more fun to greet around the office with names such as “The Bomb,” D-Meister” and “Smarty Pants.” Don’t you agree?
2) Treats. Dogs and cats are not the only ones that need treats. Offices do as well. Be spontaneous and plan an ice cream party day or a popcorn hour.
3) Gatherings. Treat your office to a fun outing, like Movie Night, Roller skating or a Comedy Night.
4) Lunch. Yes, Food again. It is important to try and lunch with everyone on your staff at least twice a month. This allows you to catch up and get to know your co-workers on a personal level.
5) The final tip for today is Animals. Animals you ask? Every office needs a pet. A fish, a ferret, a bird, your choice. Our shop pet is a dog. Her name is Mona. Our office would not be the same without her. She is a permanent member of our staff. Oh, and my nickname for her is M-Dog. Seemed like a natural fit.
Remember, have fun in your life, even at work.