What if I told you that there was an online web banner that housed 2,800 items for purchase? You must be thinking that this web banner is enormously huge.
The web banner is 300 x 250 pixels. For those who don’t know, this size is pretty small and translates to 10.5 cm x 8.8 cm. As you scroll over the tiny squares, the objects are magnified. The banner ad has an intro and seems to be broken into 5 categories of browsing: lights, home decor, fun knick knacks, living room furniture and bedroom furniture. If you click on an object it takes you to the site where you can purchase these items.
You may be asking, Who is the retailer of this online ad? Answer: IKEA.
Since one of IKEA’s main selling points is selling furniture that helps organize and de-clutter your life and home, they’ve decided to take that approach to their advertising.
I myself have never been in an actual brick and mortar store. Although I’ve browsed online a handful of times, if I were to see this ad, I would definitely click-thru to see what it was about. I believe that this ad creates intrigue and I love that it’s interactive. So many ads are boring and run of the mill. I applaud IKEA for creating something that will pique my curiosity.
Meaningful Change – One Click at a Time
January is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. For some of us, that might mean joining a gym to get in shape. Due