A few nights back, my husband was complaining to me about how frustrating Christmas lights are. He bought all new last year and this year only 2 strands out of some 20 are actually working. He has spent many hours looking at each strand, changing out bulbs and trying every trick he could think of. He even posted his frustration to Facebook, from which he received numerous suggestions.
Nothing seemed to work and his complaining and negativity continued. So, I simply googled “Chrtistmas lights not working” and got this blog:
As it was a very comprehensive blog, I shared it with my husband. He immediately stopped complaining and began reading. I am not sure what good idea or new approach it was that changed his attitude, but the important thing is his attitude changed! YAY!
Just one small example of how the digital world has changed our lives! It has changed the way we communicate, not simply in advertising but in so many everyday ways.
Thank you “Interwebs” and Merry Christmas!
Meaningful Change – One Click at a Time
January is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. For some of us, that might mean joining a gym to get in shape. Due