As always, we’re expanding and the Geek Suite needs more recruits! Usually I would take time to make this a somewhat amusing job posting, but I just don’t have time.
Want to work at CurrentMarketing in the Geek Suite? I’m looking for a few people.
You must read:
How Not To Get Hired By The Bouv
You must know these:
- JavaScript
- Photoshop (for slicing/dicing/etc)
Would be nice if you know these:
- jQuery
- WordPress (installation/theming/etc)
- Facebook programming experience (FBML, apps, etc)
- PhoneGap / jqTouch experience
- Mobile website development
I’m looking for a backend programmer, preferably one who is proficient in Perl, but SQL knowledge is a must. Know PHP, and want to learn Perl? We can talk. If you’ve only got experience in Microsoft-language programming, this isn’t the position for you.
I’m also looking for a Flash / front end developer. Experience with banners, rich media ad networks and software (Double Click Studio, etc) is a requirement for consideration. If someone says “make it move”, you need to know how to do that, and do it better than they imagined. Do you eat, sleep, breathe and sweat HTML, CSS and ActionScript? Great. That’s the bare minimum. Others need not apply.
Finally, the Geek Suite is looking for Web Developers, not Web Designers. You will not be designing web pages, and, no, I will not forward your graphic design portfolio to our Creative department. Being able to follow basic instructions is an absolute here at CurrentMarketing, and if you can’t do that, there’s just no point in trying.
Got all that? Good. Still feel confident in your ability to work in the Geek Suite? Even better. Drop me a line.