People like to ask us the secrets of our morale and productivity here at CurrentMarketing. One of the big ones is our Partner Day program. Partner Days were instituted about eight years ago, and the concept is very simple. Each employee gets four partner days (days off) each summer, every other Friday from June to August. Everyone has a “partner” responsible for covering for them, on the assumption that the person with the three-day weekend has already taken care of everything on their “to-do” list ahead of time.
It’s a neat system, one that boosts productivity as well as morale. Members of the staff work hard ahead of time to qualify for their days off, and the quiet Friday environment allows the employees still on the clock to get caught up (instead of, say, going to meetings). Some ambitious folks have been known to sneak into the office on their days off because it’s a chance to get a bunch of stuff done!
Of course, working in an office that gives you four extra paid days off per year is also a terrific recruiting tool. It creates a sense of excitement and teamwork during our slower months, and fosters a playful sense of competition between the two “teams.” In short, partner days are a fun game, and everybody wins.
For more info about this program or other bright ideas to add to your culture, our COO Lisa Koier (The Culture Queen) can assist you. Now get back to work!
Meaningful Change – One Click at a Time
January is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. For some of us, that might mean joining a gym to get in shape. Due