Reimagine Your Web Banners With Rich Media

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Reimagine Your Web Banners With Rich Media

The State of the Art and Science of Rich Media

Today’s consumers are tech-savvy. They can easily spot advertisements online, no matter how sneaky they are (advertorials, native content, etc.). The average American sees thousands of ads each and every day. Not to mention that, as technology progresses, consumers and users are expecting more and more out of their digital experience. And that expectation extends to ads.

So, how do you cut through the clutter online and grab the attention of a consumer who knows they’re viewing an ad? You need to offer the customer something interesting — make your ad interactive, engaging and different. Maybe add an element of play or humor or the unexpected. That’s where rich media comes in.

What Is Rich Media?
Rich media ads are like traditional banner ads on steroids. Unlike static banner ads, rich media uses HTML5 to allow audio, video and other features to catch the eye and encourage interaction. Rich media ads can include multiple content types in one placement; your rich media ad can feature videos, games, tweets and more. Because these interactive ads are more complex, they can elicit a strong consumer response.
Rich media ads also allow advertisers to capture and analyze more detailed information on consumer behavior, including number of expansions, video completions and multiple exits.

What Can You Do With Rich Media?
Essentially, you’re only limited by your imagination. There are currently nine different styles of rich media ads, but the ways in which they can be implemented allow you to be as creative as you want. Here’s a breakdown of what’s going on in rich media today:

Expanding Ads
As the name suggests, expanding ads expand beyond their static dimensions. The methods of expansion can be customized. Your ad can expand when a user clicks, taps or mouses over. If you’d prefer, your ad can automatically expand on page load or be set on a timer and collapse on user interaction. These ads can expand in any direction or shape and can use transitional effects. By default, expanding ads appear overtop of site pages or app content.

Interstitial Ads
Sometimes called take-over ads, interstitial ads may appear as a full-screen ad or float on top of a page. There’s also the option to lock the ad, so that it moves with the content as the user scrolls. Interstitial ads can be found when mobile apps launch or load and in video pre-roll, as well as on web pages.

Banner Ads
Typically, banner ads are executed with video assets and use polite download (meaning the the ad waits for the web page to completely load before loading the ad). Banner ads have a fixed size and appear in a fixed position on a web page or app.

Floating Banner Ads
A floating banner ad is when a banner ad and interstitial ad appear in tandem.

Multi-dimensional Expanding (MDE) Ads
MDE ads are like “smart” expanding ads. They react and expand based on the ad’s location on the page. For example, if the ad is served on the right side of the page, it will expand to the left and vice-versa.

Multi-floating Interstitial Ads
You can display up to four pieces of interstitial creative with a multi-floating interstitial ad. They work together as a single unit and often surround or border content on a page. Just like regular interstitial ads, multi-floating interstitial ads can be locked into position or move as the user scrolls.

Push-down Ads
Again as the name suggests, push-down ads push down the content of a web page to display the ad. This way, advertising content does not obscure content on the page. Push-down ads auto-expand, and you can control the number of times a user experiences the auto-expansion within a certain time period. If you put a limit on the auto-expansion, you must also supply a user-initiated expanding ad when you traffic your media.

Video Ads
Video content can be integrated into all ad formats.

Video Player-Ad Interface Definition, or VPAID, ads appear in a video player, like YouTube. There are two types of VPAID ads: linear and non-linear. The difference is that linear ads fill the entire video player and appear before, after or in-between video content, while non-linear ads appear during video play and don’t fill the entire frame. Should a user click or tap on a non-linear ad, the video will be paused and the ad will expand.

Examples Of Great Rich Media

The tools are there to create great advertising with rich media. These compelling ads, when done properly, can interact with their host content in interesting, innovative and unique ways. They can provide extra value to consumers, entice them to interact with your ad and, ultimately, convert them into a customer. For example, here’s some engaging rich media ads we developed and placed for RELAX® Wines.

In this campaign, an animated format was used to grab the eye, and enhanced functionality allowed users to find a store near them directly from the ad.

Need more inspiration? Check out Google’s gallery of rich media or get in touch with us.

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Ed Sharp

Ed brings 15 years of traditional and digital media sales experience to the agency, giving us a perspective most agencies don’t have. When he’s not working or seeking new knowledge, Ed hangs out with his wife, two kids, two dogs, one cat, and a hamster. And yes, the cat and hamster are best friends.

Chaney Given

Chaney is a talented and accomplished designer and illustrator, who has expanded his skill set to include motion graphics and video editing. With nearly a decade of experience, his client work includes Waterstep, Baptist Health, the Archdiocese of Louisville Catholic Schools, First Harrison Bank, and many more