If you haven’t visited Apple’s homepage since yesterday, then you don’t know your life is about to change. [sarcasm] The image above appears on the tech giant’s landing page. Here’s what I am hoping Apple bestows upon us mere mortals this morning;
1. PONG. How about a complete rework of Ping? I’ve said in the past how much I liked Apple’s entry into social media, but since then I’ve quickly tired of it. Being a music nerd, I still DO believe the concept has promise. But it just feels too clunky and disconnected in its current state. Optimistically, I remain confident that Apple will right this ship.
2. CLOUD. Oh yeah. How about Apple allowing us the OPTION to store our iTunes library in the cloud, so that I might login to my account from work and access all of my music at home? This would be the shiznit. Can I say shiznit? Shiznit. Anyway, I’m sure there are folks out there that would play the privacy card on this one…but I think having all of your music wherever you are trumps privacy schmivacy.
3. PLEASE don’t let it just be that Apple has The Beatle’s catalog, ok?
We’ll see – 2 hours to go!
Meaningful Change – One Click at a Time
January is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. For some of us, that might mean joining a gym to get in shape. Due