I recently stumbled upon an effective advertising vehicle.
Shazam has recently taken advertising to an innovative new level. Their audio recognition advertising has proven to be extremely successful with national brands such as Old Navy and Progressive Insurance, who are featuring the Shazam icon in television advertisements.
This platform allows for a 100% ‘opt-in’ environment. The beauty of this is that the advertisement is selected by consumers and allows users to interact with advertisers on a unique way. And, Old Navy recently saw an increase in online purchasing by allowing customers to purchase featured pieces of clothing from the commercial directly through the Shazam app. Progressive Insurance’s approach featured engagement with “Flo,” the perky company spokesperson. Consumers can request insurance quotes, access free downloads and a link to a Flo-app.
Many advertisers have identified this advancement as an advantage over QR Codes. I found it simple to use and the cool factor of using Shazam made it even more intriguing. I look forward to more retailers using this soon. My hope is that Target or Victoria’s Secret will jump on board!
Meaningful Change – One Click at a Time
January is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. For some of us, that might mean joining a gym to get in shape. Due