We’re back from New York and learned a ton! The city was completely overwhelming. I love the pace and all the people. There was so much to see!
As far as advertising space, it was very hard to narrow the opportunities down to just my top five. I would even venture as far as to say that New York has the most advertising opportunities of any city in the US or abroad. Without further delay, I present Miss Media’s Top 5…
Anything, and I mean anything, in Times Square.
Movies, banks, clothing retailers, musicals, alcohol, hotels, you name in and it has a gigantic, eye-catching, neon display in the Square. With the millions of eyeballs that see your message everyday, anybody who is anybody in New York has a display here.
Store Fronts
It’s not enough to simply have a store located in the city, you simply must have signage that makes the air traffic aware of your store from 50,000 feet.
Bus Wraps
Public transit advertising, such as a bus wrap, is not a unique or unusual form of ad space. Locally, one typically notices a wrap as you drive past. However, the traffic is so slow moving in New York, that the wrap is almost a permanent bulletin.
Bus Shelters
The bus shelters in New York are nothing short of fabulous! Locally, bus shelters tend to mostly reach bus passengers. In NYC, shelters are not limited to the poster-sized art. The standard bus shelter is made up on 4 digital screens that form a single image on the backside of the shelter.
Even in the Cabs
There are informational screens in the cabs that display a surface street map of where you are, along with a local news and weather ticker. In addition, the screens also support paid advertising, just like a cable or spot television buy.
Meaningful Change – One Click at a Time
January is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. For some of us, that might mean joining a gym to get in shape. Due