Graduate high school. Check. Get accepted to the college you wanted. Check. Graduate college. Check. Now what?
For many Millennials after graduation, our sights are set on the “perfect” job. We think: “I’ve worked hard in school, and it is time for it to pay off.” Many have the drive, ambition and optimism that is needed to land this job right out the gate. We fail to realize that reality will soon hit us like a ton of bricks. This “perfect” job idea begins to fade with each passing week which leads to months where we are rejected over and over again. We begin to think this was all for not. That you actually wasted four years of your life for a piece of fancy paper. How is one qualified if they have the degree needed, but not the experience? Some may believe they will have to breakdown and work at Kohl’s or McDonald’s until something comes along. I was one who thought this.
I graduated in May with a bachelor’s degree in business marketing and management. Right after graduation, I was set to enter the workforce. Little did I know that I would go on to have five interviews that would go nowhere. Losing my patience and hope, it was lucky number six that got me to where I am today. Let it be known that to get to this point, I had filled out and applied to more than fifty positions over five months. This was not at all what I thought would happen, but as they say, nothing worth having comes easy.
I was truly blessed when the digital assistant position caught my attention one day while looking on the many job hunting sites, as I did every day. The moment I got an email back requesting an interview, I felt in my gut this was the ONE or at least hoped it was. In the interview, I already felt like I belonged to the awesomeness that is Current360. The environment seemed fun, light hearted, and welcoming; something I really wanted to be a part of. Once I was offered the job, it felt like all my hard work had finally paid off. And it has!
Current360 is, by far, the best place I have ever found myself in. My coworkers are friendly and supportive. My direct supervisor has become a friend. The culture is family oriented and about fun and creativity. I fit in as if I’ve been here forever. Sure the work can be fast paced, but that is part of the fun. Who wants to do the same mundane thing every day? Not me.
My technical title may be “Digital Assistant,” but I am known as the “cat wrangler” for all things digital. I also wear other hats often assisting in social media, blog writing and sitting in on client meetings. Coming to work every day is not a dreadful nightmare. Instead, it as if there is a new adventure waiting for me each and every day I walk through the doors of Bakery Square. None of this would have been possible without my perseverance and education.
The main takeaway here is don’t give up. I encourage the new graduate, who may be waiting and feeling like the job hunt is a hopeless abyss of blackness, that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Remember: timing is everything.
Meaningful Change – One Click at a Time
January is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. For some of us, that might mean joining a gym to get in shape. Due