I started watching Two and a Half Men faithfully last year. This season, albeit only two episodes in, has not let me down in the least.
Short synopsis of the premiere: Charlie finds out he might be a dad to an 8-year-old named Chuck. Even those who don’t watch the show can appreciate Jon Cryer (Alan) singing “Cat’s in the Cradle,” right? And, you can’t beat the comic value of Alan and Charlie’s mom telling them that “spending time with one’s children if over-rated.” Not to spoil anything, but the kid isn’t Charlie’s (thank you, writers).
In the second episode, the brothers find themselves in a dispute about $38 and some stolen gasoline that forces Charlie to evict Alan from his place. Alan’s ex takes him in while her new husband migrates over and ends up staying with Charlie. In the end, we are left wondering if Charlie will invite Alan back in…not much mystery there, though. The conceit of the show wouldn’t really work unless the two co-habitated, right?
I love Charlie, Berta (the housekeeper) and Evelyn (Charlie and Alan’s mom) the most. Charlie is 40 and still a legitimate player. You gotta respect that! Berta, the white trash housekeeper is one of the most well-written characters on television and her comic timing is second-to-none. Evelyn is quintessential Malibu on a stick – she’s got Botox, sleeps around and scorns motherhood.
I’m not such a big fan of Jake anymore – he’s an annoying teenager now instead of the chubby-cheeked cuddlebunch he used to be. He’s not been in the first two eps too much, so I suspect other viewers feel the same way.
So, hopefully as the season progresses, they’ll keep the focus on Charlie, Berta and Evelyn!
Meaningful Change – One Click at a Time
January is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. For some of us, that might mean joining a gym to get in shape. Due