What happens when there are too many projects, too few people or too few hours in the day? As traffic manager, it is my job to ensure that all our clients needs’ are met in a timely fashion according to the agency’s workload, help our whole team avoid missed deadlines and keep employees from feeling completely overwhelmed. The key is to first recognize that there is an issue and then determine the best outcome for all parties involved.
The path of least resistance is always the traffic system. Update it and it’s all solved, right? Well, not quite.
My preferred way of handling the times of extreme overload is to gather all the pertinent information I need from said wonderful traffic system, figure out who I need to talk to and then announce during our morning jolt that I need to discuss workload/timelines with those who are involved with the projects in question. After jolt, we immediately gather, I address my concerns and as a team, we discuss possible solutions until we are all in agreement. Once we determine what is feasible, I notify the employees that will be affected and then update our traffic system.
So, next time you’re in this situation, don’t just update the traffic flow and hope everyone will see it and understand. Pull together a quick 15-minute stand up and get everyone onboard!
Meaningful Change – One Click at a Time
January is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. For some of us, that might mean joining a gym to get in shape. Due