Most people that work at the Derby Festival office (including my husband) are either counting days to Thunder (11 days away) or Derby (25 days away), but around CurrentMarketing, we count down the days to April 28th.
You may ask: “What is April 28th?”
To some, it is the day of the Run for the Rosé or the Pegasus Parade Preview. These are both exciting events that I personally attend, but still are not the reason for the countdown. We have a ton of hard-working crew members who put in countless hours leading up to the exalted day. April 28th is the day the agency sends off the final project out of 300 that get completed in a 3-month span in our shop. This day marks the weight that lifts from these tired but proud bodies and suddenly a burst of energy happens – just enough to lift one aching arm to suck down an ice-cold tequila shot, followed by a juicy lime squeeze and a celebratory toast and to the wonderful accomplishments of this amazing team.
There is still much more that needs to be done. 21 days is only three weeks away – a Lifetime in the Festival world.
I am so thankful for this great team that includes the Print Diva (Mel), the famous Dono-Wand (Donovan), our beloved Traffic Pixie (Laura), the Awesome Editor and Voice Talent (Rob), the Media Darlings (Katy, Ashley and Lindsay), the Phenomenal Creative Crew (Cathy, Dennis, Jim and Luke), our Incomparable Power Plant (Lisa), our Fearless Leader (Rick) and last, but certainly not least, my Co-pilot and Leader of the Pack, Jacky-of-all Trades (Jacky).
Meaningful Change – One Click at a Time
January is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. For some of us, that might mean joining a gym to get in shape. Due