Before departing yesterday afternoon, each of the bulbs here at CM was asked “what are you grateful for today?” I love these kinds of questions because, as you can imagine with this group, the answers can be amusing, obtuse, arresting, thought-provoking and sometimes all of the above.
Here’s what I heard back:
That we’re getting off early today.
That I get to spend the evening with my family.
My family, a great job and co-workers and modern plumbing (in that order).
All of God’s blessings and the promise of eternal life.
OH MY GOSH!….My family, my health, my job. All the awesome people I get to meet along the way.
Being here. (I loved this one, because “here” leaves it up to you, the reader, to interpret!)
My husband. I’ve been grateful for him all week.
The peace and mercy I have found in Jesus during the worst time in my life.
That I’m back working for an awesome company like CurrentMarketing.
A beautiful daughter, wonderful husband, my health and a great job.
To still be alive after hitting 44.
My job. My family. My big plasma screen TV.
Erin, the new young lady in my life.
That Molly let me pet her. (Molly, the dog, not the person)
Getting to work on Kentucky Derby Festival!
I’m thankful for my daughter and I’m thankful to be here (another “being here”).
My husband, because I’m newly married.
My wife and my dog.
My job. My family. My dog. Beer.
Lots of things…my family.
Our new photo studio.
My family.
This job, my wife and that so far we’ve been shielded from this economy (knock on wood).
My family being healthy and here. Having my mom and dad still around is awesome.
There’s nothing that I’m not grateful for. (If you can get your head around that one, it’s an awesome answer!)
My job and that I’m home with my family for Thanksgiving for the first time in five years.
Oh, so much. My son, my job – especially today since I got to have them both – that my truck’s running well. So many things!
My job. My family.
My family.
You know, we hear so much every day – from pundits and politicians on the Left and Right – about what’s wrong with our country. Today is a great day to stop and be grateful for what God, Yahweh, Allah, Vishnu or Wakan Tanka (or whatever you call your higher power) has given us…and especially us in America. It’s not perfect, but we’re all trying, right? We’re all working – in our own way – to make our community, our country and our world better than we found them.
Here’s something that can make your part of it a little better: In the next week, remember to thank someone when they’re least expecting it. And, rather than describing what I mean by that, I’ll take a less from the couple of folks who are grateful for “being here.” I’ll leave that for you to interpret.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Meaningful Change – One Click at a Time
January is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. For some of us, that might mean joining a gym to get in shape. Due