Is this a great country or what? We get a choice — right or wrong — in who we select to lead us. Wait. If you’re reading this on Tuesday and you haven’t voted yet, STOP RIGHT NOW. Go vote. I’ll wait….
(insert Jeopardy music here)
OK, thanks. Glad to have you back. Now, where was I? Oh, yeah…choosing who leads us. Our local lawmakers, judges, and national offices including federal lawmakers (ever wonder if we’re making too many laws?) and the position often called Leader of the Free World.
No, the U.S. isn’t the only country that chooses its leaders through elections. But I defy anyone to show me another that has done it as long and as fervently as we have. (I could go on a tangent here about the men and women who fought and died to preserve this freedom over the past two hundred and thirty something years, but you know all about that. If you don’t, email me and I’ll give you a quick history lesson.)
When I left my house at 5:55 this morning to walk to my polling place, I was overcome with emotion. Really. That I have the honor and privilege to choose the Leader of the Free World is pretty heady stuff when you get right down to it. I’m not saying all my choices will prove to be the correct choices once I have the benefit of hindsight. And I’m not sure all my choices will be winners. I’m just saying that they are MY CHOICES.
God, I love this Country!
Meaningful Change – One Click at a Time
January is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. For some of us, that might mean joining a gym to get in shape. Due