I’m not sure what to make of this: White House Correspondent Tommy Christopher livetweets his own heart attack. I’m torn between “This whole twitter thing has really jumped the shark” and “Boy, is that guy desperate for a scoop!” Either way, he’s thankfully going to be OK, but is it just that I am recently old that I find this somewhat ludicrous?
I picture the doctors trying to stabilize this character, while he tries to squeeze out his perhaps final 140 characters. I picture some family member in the corner, rather than being held back by nurses, while the doctor shouts “Get her out of here!”, responding to his tweets on her iPhone. I picture mankind being reduced to its lowest narcissistic denominator – “Man, what a great idea! I wish I’d thought of that when I was dying!”
I’m going to attribute it to simple medium abuse. It’s like when I was in 6th grade and this friend of mine regularly called me up and watched TV while I tried to engage him in conversation. This, children, was back in the days when there were usually no more than two phones in the house and both were hardwired to the wall. And our downstairs phone was far far away from my own TV. In any case, I blew him off for his abusing this medium of communication, and I suspect I shall do the same for Tommy Christopher. Although I do hope he recovers.
Meaningful Change – One Click at a Time
January is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. For some of us, that might mean joining a gym to get in shape. Due