A champion “WOOHOO”-er and karaoke star, Allison Gibson brings us Tuesday’s batch of bloggy goodness. And it’s better than any cake you could bake!
Her take:
I use my DVR, but Hulu has been the best place for me to catch up on my shows even while lying in bed with my headphones on.
I am a “Must See TV” junkie now, all thanks to Hulu. I especially love how they treat their sponsored commerical breaks. I think they are tastefully done and advertisers really have the ability to showcase their products in a clutter-free environment. I always pay attention to almost all commercials since I love advertising…naturally. Now I do more so on Hulu because of the the clean and elegant approach.
Meaningful Change – One Click at a Time
January is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. For some of us, that might mean joining a gym to get in shape. Due