June 2011

Not So Breaking News: CM’s Social Media Crew Doubles In Size!

And now there are two. In late April, CurrentMarketing had the pleasure of welcoming one of our newest employees, Social Media Assistant, @bradluttrell. Brad joins us with a background in journalism and photography, adding some mighty fine skill to our status updating crew. That, combined with his thirst for geeky knowledge and inherent social media […]

Not So Breaking News: CM’s Social Media Crew Doubles In Size! Read More »


The day has come, my friends, when it has become possible to convert an InDesign file into a Microsoft Word file format while maintaining the original file’s layout. Recosoft, a software company, recently released an application called ID2Office that works as a plug-in for InDesign. This application allows text, paragraph styles, graphics, tables and many

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  Depending on what you’re talking about, that’s either a huge number or a small one. It is a huge number of marbles to scatter in front of a parade, causing all sorts of hijinks.* It is a small number of pennies to try and buy stuff with, especially in this economy. But for number

3500ish Read More »

Bittersweet calm

  Most people that enjoy all the Festival activities do not realize the amount of work that goes in behind the scenes.  From about February until Derby, we have numerous members of our staff working on the various Derby Festival pieces.   It also means crazy non-stop days and late nights for me.   We have just

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Google’s New Algorithm Wins, Low Quality Content Loses

  There are certain sites that seem to have the answer for everything under one domain: family, food, health, home, money, style or more. Sites like eHow.com claim to have every how-to, DIY, and home remedy anyone would ever need, but are they credible resources for information? The answer is no, and Google’s new search

Google’s New Algorithm Wins, Low Quality Content Loses Read More »

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Ed Sharp

Ed brings 15 years of traditional and digital media sales experience to the agency, giving us a perspective most agencies don’t have. When he’s not working or seeking new knowledge, Ed hangs out with his wife, two kids, two dogs, one cat, and a hamster. And yes, the cat and hamster are best friends.

Chaney Given

Chaney is a talented and accomplished designer and illustrator, who has expanded his skill set to include motion graphics and video editing. With nearly a decade of experience, his client work includes Waterstep, Baptist Health, the Archdiocese of Louisville Catholic Schools, First Harrison Bank, and many more